Mr. Sunti Chirawatthanagkoon

Mr. Sunti Chirawatthanagkoon

Independent Director / Member of the Risk Management Committee

Education / Training:
  • Doctoral in E-Business Strategies, Southern Cross University
  • MIS, Deakin University
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Assumption University
  • Director Accreditation Program (DAP) 132/2016
Family relationship among executives: -None-
Work experiences for the past 5 years:
  • 4 July 2016 – Present Director and Audit Committee Royal Plus Public Company Limited
  • 2017 – Present President Thaiphetkasem BTC (2017) Co., Ltd.
  • 2016 – Present President Boonsiri Asset Co., Ltd.
  • 2015 – Present President TPK Auto Paint Co., Ltd.
  • 2011 – Present President Thaiphetkasem Auto Car Co., Ltd.